Monday, 17 August 2015

Discover Biblical Laws for Good Success & Fulfillment

Get and read your copy of the Newly Released Kingdom Book making waves now, titled;
Anthony C. Nwokolo

ü  Would you like to Discover Practical Biblical Laws for Good Success & Fulfillment?
ü  Would you like to Discover and Claim your Inheritance, Rights and Privileges as a Kingdom Citizen?
ü  Would you like to discover God’s will, plans and promises concerning your life?
ü  Would you like to discover Biblical keys to understand, unravel and unleash your God-given gifts, potential, purpose and fulfill your Destiny?
ü  Would you like to discover why some Born Again Christians are not prospering financially and Avoid it?
ü  Would you like to live and lead a fulfilled here on earth, and make Heaven– the ultimate success?


Apostle Tony Nwokolo, Host, Kingdom Life Summit

The Kingdom Life Summit
 And has made us unto our God kings and priests; and we shall reign on earth – Rev. 5: 10. And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto the nations, and then shall the end come –Matthew 24: 14
 Believing that Jesus has paid the price on the cross 2015 years ago makes you a citizen of this Kingdom. Many Christians do not have knowledge of their rights, privileges and authorities as citizens of this kingdom and that why sickness, sorrow, shame, suffering, stagnancy, poverty and forces of darkness are dominating many people even believers. They proclaim Jesus as their Lord and Saviour but are ignorant of the kingdom that Jesus Christ came to introduce to us. Jesus brought the Kingdom of God to us here on earth and preached so much about the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM. In the book of Like 9:11; And the people when they knew it, followed him: and he received them, and spake unto them of the Kingdom of God, and healed them that had need of healing.
At this summit you will discover how to to live the Kingdom life here on earth, the God kind of Life that dwells in the miraculous provision and protection.
At this Summit, We shall be unveiling Biblical Laws for Good Success & Fulfillment, the kingdom Principles that will help you to think and act as a Kingdom citizen and the ruler God intended you to be!
You will discover why and how the greatest:
• TRAGEDY in life is not death, but it is life without a purpose.
• CHALLENGE in life is knowing what to do.
• MISTAKE in life is being busy but not effective.
• FAILURE in life is being successful in the wrong assignment.
Apostle A. C. Nwokolo, is the founder and Chief Servant at THE KINGDOM CITIZENS  MINISTRIES (TCM).  He was a minster at The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Lagos, before the Lord led him to to raise Kingdom Citizens on earth, that would replenish, subdue and dominate the earth with God’s Word, Wisdom and Wonders. He is an firebrand evangelist and teacher of God’s word with in-depth understanding of the kingdom, the king, the Laws and the Plans & Promises for mankind. He is the author of 10 Commandments of God for Success & Fulfillment.
THE KINGDOM CITIZENS MINISTRIES (TCM) is not a church, but an interdenominational evangelical, liberation and prophetic outreach, committed to preaching the gospel of Christ to the unsaved people in both the rural and urban areas; liberating lives from the shackles of ignorance, poverty and from the strongholds of the forces of darkness by preaching the word of faith.

Don’t Miss this Revelation and Life-Transforming Summit…

The Kingdom Citizens Ministries
……..Christ reigning and working in us………
(An Evangelical, Liberation & Prophetic Outreach)



The Kingdom Life Summit
(An Interdenominational Monthly Teaching & Liberation Programme)
Worship, Word, Wisdom & Wonders

Apostle A.C.Nwokolo
 & Other Anointed Ministers of God

Date: Every 2nd Saturday
Venue: Fresh Dew Auditorium, Mobolojaji Bank-Anthony Way, bye Olowu Junction, Ikeja-Lagos, Nigeria
Time: 10: 00am-12:00 noon

For Enquiries, Prayer or Counseling, Pls., contact: Apostle Nwokolo on 0806-829-6897, 0909-4540396
Free Gift:
The First 21 people to reserve their seat for the Summit shall get a copy of the Apostle Tony’s new book, titled; 10 Commandments of God for Success & Fulfillment - free of Charge.
To reserve your seat just text your name to 0909-454-0396.

Jesus Christ is the King of the Kingdom

The reverse side of the card should ve this info;

The Kingdom Life Summit
 And has made us unto our God kings and priests; and we shall reign on earth – Rev. 5: 10. And this gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto the nations, and then shall the end come –Matthew 24: 14
 Believing that Jesus has paid the price on the cross 2015 years ago makes you a citizen of this Kingdom. Many Christians do not have knowledge of their rights, privileges and authorities as citizens of this kingdom and that why sickness, sorrow, shame, suffering, stagnancy, poverty and forces of darkness are dominating many people even believers. They proclaim Jesus as their Lord and Saviour but are ignorant of the kingdom that Jesus Christ came to introduce to us. Jesus brought the Kingdom of God to us here on earth and preached so much about the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM. In the book of Like 9:11; And the people when they knew it, followed him: and he received them, and spake unto them of the Kingdom of God, and healed them that had need of healing.
At this summit you will discover how to to live the Kingdom life here on earth, the God kind of Life that dwells in the miraculous provision and protection.
At this Summit, We shall be unveiling Biblical Laws for Good Success & Fulfillment, the kingdom Principles that will help you to think and act as a Kingdom citizen and the ruler God intended you to be!
You will discover why and how the greatest:
• TRAGEDY in life is not death, but it is life without a purpose.
• CHALLENGE in life is knowing what to do.
• MISTAKE in life is being busy but not effective.
• FAILURE in life is being successful in the wrong assignment.
Apostle A. C. Nwokolo, is the founder and Chief Servant at THE KINGDOM CITIZENS  MINISTRIES (TCM).  He was a minster at The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Lagos, before the Lord led him to to raise Kingdom Citizens on earth, that would replenish, subdue and dominate the earth with God’s Word, Wisdom and Wonders. He is an firebrand evangelist and teacher of God’s word with in-depth understanding of the kingdom, the king, the Laws and the Plans & Promises for mankind. He is the author of 10 Commandments of God for Success & Fulfillment.
THE KINGDOM CITIZENS MINISTRIES (TCM) is not a church, but an interdenominational evangelical, liberation and prophetic outreach, committed to preaching the gospel of Christ to the unsaved people in both the rural and urban areas; liberating lives from the shackles of ignorance, poverty and from the strongholds of the forces of darkness by preaching the word of faith.

Don’t Miss this Revelation and Life-Transforming Summit…