Thursday 19 May 2016


Real success is not in fame but in a name. Fame without name will end in shame.

Name is an offshoot of integrity.
It is your name that keeps speaking after your physical exit from the earth. Your no 1 asset after your death is name. it is the first inheritance left for your children.
It forms the basis for the goodwill that your children will enjoy.
Without a name your life ends at your death.
Work to earn a name not fame, work to preserve your name.
Fame without name will end in flames.

Fame without a name will end your children in shame.
Make your choice – fame now or name forever?
Do not seek fame, it leads its seekers into shames and chains and ends him in ruins.
There is indeed nothing in fame, it can’t earn you a name.
It is rather name that can earn you lasting fame.
With a name, you cannot miss your fame, fame will naturally follow after a good name.
A good name is magnet that attracts fame.

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