Apostle Tony C. Nwokolo |
Thou Shall Know the Truth Newsletter 4/11/16
are two kingdoms; the kingdom of light and the kingdom of the world.
And each kingdom is governed by different laws. For instance in the
kingdom of light (the kingdom God) God's word tells us the principle or
call it the law of prosperity; to prosper and increase you need to give
and sow (scatter), but in the kingdom of the world we are told that if
you want to increase and prosper financially or materially you ought to
save and hoard whatever you have got.
These laws are
opposite to each other. Now, the question is which kingdom's law or
principles do you want to adhere? Whose report would you believe? For me
and my household we believes and practices the laws of the kingdom of
I have to come to realize that whatever you share
multiples and whatever you hoard and withholds diminishes. When tou
withhold and hoard whatever you have you allow fear of not having enough
and scarcity mentality to dominate you, but when you give and share
whatever you have, you manifest faith and abundance mentality to
prevail. And it attracts abundance and supernatural provisions.