Thursday, 20 February 2014


Apostle Chiugo Anthony JOSEPHAT-NWOKOLO
·        For this purpose was the son of man manifested that he shall destroy the works of darkness – 1 John 3: 8b
·        Purpose provides a perspective that gives life significance and meaning, without purpose life will becomes a burden – Myles Munroe.

As Far as your Eyes can See
The first and foremost Commandment of God for true Success and Fulfillment is; Thou Shall Discover and understand your Self and the Most High God. Discovery equals Recovery. Before I proceed further, let me share with you my definition of True Success and Fulfillment as revealed to me by the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit ministered to me that, ‘’True success and fulfillment is all about knowing and understanding The Almighty God, having a Relationship with Him, accomplishing and fulfilling His purpose for your life here on earth with the gifts and blessings He has endowed on you, and in so doing being a channel of blessings to others and at the end make Heaven’’.
When you discover the divine laws and principles that govern true success and fulfillment and apply it, you shall definitely become successful and fulfill your destiny. Discovering and applying the principles that govern good health, guarantees good health, the same applies to prosperity, and so on. When you discover God, through His word, keep His laws and commandments, discover and pursue His purpose for your life and adhere as well as abide by it, thou shall not only succeed and be fulfilled here on earth, but thou shall also make Heaven hereafter.
There are Laws (Principles) that govern everything in the universe, such as; the Law of Gravity, the Law of Attraction, the Law of Sowing and Reaping, the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Belief, the Law of Expectation etc. In the same vein, there are laws or call it rules that govern true success and fulfillment. And until you discover, apply and abide by those laws, you might not make any positive impact or difference on the face of the earth. The Almighty is a God of laws and principles and He has established laws and principles that govern different aspects of life. For instance, in the book of Exodus chapter 20 from verse 1, the Almighty God gave us the 10 Commandments for Righteous living through Prophet Moses as the yardstick to guide the people that lived before Christ. Likewise, the Spirit of God has revealed to me the Laws for true success and fulfillment with a mandate that I should teach, publish and commit to as many that are willing and ready to apply the principles outlined herein.
The Spirit of the Lord ministered to me that as many would apply the scripture based principles outlined here, would attain all-round success. Truly, It is God’s wish, pleasure and desire that you and I should attain fulfillment and excel in life. However the problem mankind is facing is that man has been seeking for success and fulfillment in life outside God and the result have been frustration, disappointment, dissatisfaction and lives devoid of fulfillment and meaning.

Ignorance is the Root Cause of problems
However, ignorance of God’s word and His commandments is the root cause of myriads of problems which a whole lot of people are facing in life today, and it is neither an excuse nor exemption from the rule of the laws. It is written that whoso breaketh an hedge the serpent shall bite –Ecclesiastes 10:8b. It means that if you break the rule of anything you shall be penalized for it. Little wonder it written “my people are perishing for lack of knowledge – Hosea 4: 6. What you don’t know is capable of destroying or undoing you. Ignorance is the worst thing that can happen to any person, because it is the root cause of sin, sickness, sorrow, suffering, shame, stagnation, damnation, failure and poverty etc. Every responsible, rational and reasonable man or woman must be committed to seeking and discovering the truth and the right way to follow in life. You ought to discover the laws and principles that govern what you are seeking and then adhere/abide by it, if you must succeed in your quest. In order words, you have got to discover the rules and abide by it. Jesus tells us in the book of John 8: 32; And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
It is therefore your responsibility to seek and discover your God-given gifts, potential and the purpose for it, and then pursue it with passion in line with the rules in the book of law (the bible) and in so doing fulfill your glorious destiny. All these are what we shall be exploring and expatiating in the course of this book, because every man’s mountain is his ignorance. That is the reason why it was recorded in the book of Ecclesiastes 10:15; the labour of the fool wearies every one of them, because he knows not how to go to the city. All you need is know-how.

The take off point towards the land of Success, Fulfillment and Everlasting Joy is to seek and discover your Creator, and the reasons why He created you, as well as, the gifts He has endowed you to enable on you accomplish His purpose for your life.  This is why the book of Matthew 7: 7b admonishes us to; seek and we shall find. You have to seek the correct answers to all your questions in life, if you must excel and be fulfilled in life. Even the most high God values and recommends seeking in order to find, that is why He commanded even our father Abraham to lift up his eyes from the place where he was and look northward, southward, eastward and westward, that as far as his eyes can see, he have given it unto him.

And the Lord said unto Abram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever- Gen 13:14-15 KJV

This means you have to start from where you are and project forward; think, conceive, imagine and always behold in your mind’s eye a glorious vision and dream of yourself, your family, ministry, and business. In other words, you have got to begin with the end in your mind. It is your mental picture determines your actual future – Bishop David O. Oyedepo.

Seek and Thou Shall Discover
Real success and fulfillment starts with discovering your Self, your God and His Plans and Promises, as well as your Potential, your Purpose, your Birthrights, Your Power and Authorities as a child of the Most High God, and then utilize, apply, fulfill and exercise your authorities and powers based on your discoveries. Also, you need to discover your strengths and weaknesses, and capitalize on your strengths and control your weaknesses.
Self-Discovery is therefore the first and foremost step towards success and fulfillment. When you discover yourself, it would enable you to discover Your Creator and when you discover God as your creator, you would discover His word and when you discover God’s word, you will discover His purpose for your life, as well as your power, authority and birthrights as a covenant child of God and then you will create your world and fulfill your destiny – Anthony C. Josephat-Nwokolo.

There is a Purpose for Everything
“Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began” – 2 Timothy 1:9
Everyone on this earth is created by God for a purpose. Also, everything in life and even every organ in your body were created for purposes which God designed them for. From the hairs on your head to the hairs in your nostrils, to the wax in your ears, and even the nails on your fingers, are all created for diverse purposes. For instances, the wax in your ears is designed and purposed by God to attract and trap dust particles and germs from entering your ear drum. The tree and grasses of the field are all created for a purpose and that is to generate oxygen for the survival of human-beings, as well as, to sustain and service man as foods and herbs.

The God of Purpose
It has been proven that every creator or manufacturer of any product begins his creativity with a purpose or a need to be met in his mind. The creator must first conceive and establish his intention and the purpose he intend to accomplish before beginning the process of creation and production. This is why after God created man in the book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 He pronounced His intention and the purpose behind it, He mandated man to colonize and manage the earth and blessed him stating thus; Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."
In other words, God’s original intention and purpose at creation was to have His descendants (offspring) to influence, manage and dominate the earth with His culture, laws, ways, gifts, glory and power.

Behind Every Gift there is a Purpose.
You will never experience true fulfillment, joy, success and peace until you are executing the purpose which you were born for. Just as a seed’s purpose is to yield fruits after its kind, even so your fulfillment and fruitfulness is dependent on your discovering and fulfilling of your God-given gift and its purpose. Your greatness is hidden in your gift and not in your education or job. That is why most great men end up doing the opposite of what they studied in schools.

“Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching; Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness” – Romans 12:6 - 8 KJV

From the foregoing bible passage, you will discover that there are diverse kinds of gifts and offices to function in, which the Lord God has endowed and assigned everyone on earth to function in one area or the other. Everyone born of God through Christ Jesus has received at least one of the aforementioned gift or office, to minister, serve and to be a blessing to the body of Christ with it, such as: Prophecy, Ministering, Teaching, Exhorting, Giving, Ruling and Charity (Mercy). As a believer you must be manifesting or ministering in one or some of the aforementioned gifts. And if you have not yet discovered your own gift and office, I implore you to search and look inward and also to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it to you. I would be showing you how to discover and identify your own gifts, office and the purpose behind it.

Your gift is an indication or pointer to what you are equipped, assigned and deployed to this planet to perform. For instance, if you are gifted in composing and singing melodious praises and worship songs, that is an indication that God designed, equipped and assigned you purposely to sing praises and worship for the glory of His Holy name. You will discover that you will always have the urge, dream and desire to sing songs unto the Lord. This means that it’s the purpose God created you for. See – Isaiah 43 : 7 & 21. Everyone who is called by My name, Whom I have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him - Isa 43:7 NKJV
This people I have formed for Myself; They shall declare My praise - Isa 43:21 NKJV

What am i here on this planet to accomplish?
This is the most important question in life and until you answer it correctly, you might be pursuing the wrong thing; the wrong profession, career or business. Always ensure that the ladder you are climbing is resting on the right wall or else, after you have reached the top you might discover that it is leaning against a weak or the wrong wall. That would mean that you have wasted your time, life, energy and efforts pursuing the wrong career etc. We are not here by accident, neither did we came into existence without a purpose; every reasonable man or woman on this face of the earth knows that there is a creator, a supreme being that created and rules the whole universe; the Heaven and the earth and the whole creatures therein. And, that there is a purpose for every of God’s creatures in this universe.

·        When you discover Yourself, Your God, your Gifting, your Potential, your Purpose and your Birthrights as a child of the Most High, and you utilize them, you shall shine as a Star, become Successful, Happy and Fulfilled here and hereafter - Anthony C. Josephat-Nwokolo.

The Beginning of Wisdom
The moment you discover that there is a creator, a supreme being; The Most High God, who created you and every other creatures on this planet for diverse purposes, and you decide to seek, to know, to fellowship, fear, serve, praise and worship Him and fulfill His purpose for giving you life, then you are beginning to become wise. And the Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the holy is understanding – Proverbs 9 : 10.
When you discover and understand God, you will discover that you are created by God Almighty in His image and after His likeness in tandem with the book of Genesis 1:26. This means you are like God, and there is a special, peculiar and particular purpose and assignment which the Almighty God created you specially to execute and accomplish.
·        For this purpose was the son of man manifested that he shall destroy the works of darkness – 1 John 3: 8b
Even our Lord Jesus Christ came to this earth for a purpose and when He finished it He declared, “It is finished” – John 19: 30.
In the course of my experiences, experiments and researches so far in life, I have made a whole lot of insightful and wonderful discoveries. And based on divine mandate I have shared and will continue to share with you, because if you must be Successful and fulfill your God-given destiny here on earth and make Heaven you must discover these truths and abide by it.
In this series I would be sharing with you the principles the truths which the Holy Spirit of God has revealed to me concerning His purpose and plans for our life for His Kingdom.

 Your comments are welcome.

For Counseling and Prayers, pls., contact,
Apostle Chiugo Anthony Josephat-Nwokolo,
Presiding Minister,
(An Evangelical, Liberation and Prophetic Out-Reach)
Fellowship and worship the King of Kings with us at BELIEVER’S BREAKTHROUGH CONFERENCE; every last Thursday of the month at FreshDew Hall, 71, Mobolaji Bank-Anthony Way, bye Olowu Junction, Ikeja, Lagos. Tel: 0806-829-6897, 0802-230-3482

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