Influencing the world with God's Word, Revelations, Inspirations, Testimonies & Proclaiming Christ Second Coming
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
My Definition of True Success and Fulfillment –Anthony C. Nwokolo
True Success and Fulfillment is all about discovering the purpose, the will, the gift and the plan of God for your life and pursuing, fulfilling and accomplishing it, with the gifts, which He has endowed on you and in so doing become a channel blessings to others with whatsoever the Lord God has blessed you with –Anthony C. Nwokolo
Sunday, 6 July 2014
Is the Biochip the 666 Mark of the Beast ?
Is the biochip the Mark of the Beast?
Copyright © 1999 Dial-the-Truth Ministries
Is the biochip the
Mark of the Beast?
The biochip technology
was originally developed in 1983 for monitoring fisheries, it’s use now
includes, over 300 zoos, over 80 government agencies in at least 20
countries, pets (everything from lizards to dogs), electronic
"branding" of horses, monitoring lab animals, fisheries, endangered
wildlife, automobiles, garment tracking, hazardous waste, and according to
the experts – humans (which we’ll examine in detail later). To date, over 7
million animals have been "chipped". The major biochip companies
are A.V.I.D. (American Veterinary Identification Devices), Trovan
Identification Systems, and Destron-Fearing Corporation.
And according to most
modern-day "prophecy teachers". . . the implanted biochip is the soon-coming,
666: Mark of the Beast.
This article contains
3 parts: |
Tony C. Nwokolo |
God wants you and I to be fruitful and multiply
physically, spiritually, financially, biologically, economically and socially as
well as, to replenish, subdue and dominate the earth with his glory and gifts.
This process ensures that you fulfill God’s purpose for your life. It is God’s
pleasure to see His children excelling and prospering in all their endeavours as
shown in the book of Psalm 35: 27; Let them shout for joy and be
glad that favour my righteous cause; yea, let them say continually, let the
Lord be magnified, which takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.
The foregoing biblical references are enough proofs that it is the will and
pleasure of God that you and I should succeed, prosper and be fulfilled in
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
“Greater love has no man than this, that a man
lay down his life for his friends.
Ye are my friends if
you do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants, for the
servants knows not what his master does; but I’ve called you friends; for all
things I have heard of my father I have made known to you” – John 15:13-15.
Christ Friends
Fellowship Inter’l, is an interdenominational fellowship outreach, which the
Holy Spirit inspires his disciple and friend; Apostle Anthony C. Nwokolo to
establish. To assemble, raise and build
a purposeful end-time disciples for Jesus Christ, disciples that would commit
their time, energy and resources to the preaching of the gospel of Christ, to
the world as his disciples of old in line with Matthew 28: 18,19.
Having given your life
to Christ the next level is to become a Friend and Disciple of Christ, to work
and preach the gospel of Christ to everyone and to every nation even as his
disciple and his friend. For it is written in Matthew 28:19; Go ye
therefore, and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and
of the son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teach them to observe all things whatsoever
I commanded you; and I am with you always, even unto the end of the world, Amen
- Matt. 28:19-20.
For you to preach the
gospel of Christ Jesus to others you must know Him and His word, as well as
keep his commandment. You ought to sanctify
yourself, and be an example and a living testimony and an ambassador of Christ
through your faith, characters, confessions, attitudes, life style and
testimony. And in so doing you are qualified to teach others to observe and
keep his commandment as He commissioned us to do in accordance to the foregoing
To become the disciple of Christ you need to study God’s word to show
yourself approved, and then you can manifest His Wisdom, Power, Will and
Principles. See you at our fellowship day, time and venue below.
Vision/Mission Statement
To assemble, edify and raise the end time disciples
and friends of Christ, that would teach all nations, and baptize them in the
name of the father, of the son and of the holy ghost - Matt. 28: 18-19
To destroy the works of the devil, and the
principalities and powers of darkness – 1 John5: 8.
To bring all believers together to the unity of faith,
irrespective of Church denomination to fellowship and follow Christ’s teachings.
To teach the true doctrine of Christ, exhort and
reproof those that are observing false doctrines.
To impart the secrets of signs and wonders, to heal
the sick, raise the dead.
To teach the scriptural principles of Christ for Successful
To reconcile mankind with God through Christ the
gospel of faith.
To inspire believer to love God and to love our
neighbours as we love ourselves according to Christ’s greatest commandment –
Matt. 22:36
To love and support our fellow disciples physically,
financially, materially, socially, emotionally and spiritually as friends.
To enable mankind to make heaven
To empower mankind to discover their potentials/gifts,
thereby fulfill their purposes and destiny.
When you are in Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation
to them that are in Christ Jesus – Rom. 8:1
When you are born of God, you become a new creature;
the old things shall pass away – 11Corint. 5:17. And you shall become a child
of God – Rom. 8:14
You shall become a joint-heir with Christ.
You are seated in Heavenly places with Christ for
above principalities and powers – Eph. 2:8
When you are in Christ and Christ’s spirit abides in
you, all things will work together for your good according to – Rom. 8:28
When you are born of God, your sin would be forgiven
and you would be justified and glorified with Christ Jesus,
When you are in him he would rebuke the devourer for your
sake-Malachi 3:11
When you have Jesus, you will be like him -1John 5:12
When you are in Christ you shall receive a hundred
fold blessings and also inherit everlasting life – Matt. 19:29
When you are born of God you shall overcome the world -
1John 5:4
The benefits of becoming a disciple
of Christ
When you work for the Lord as disciple, you shall sit
with Jesus in the throne of his glory, and you also shall sit upon twelve
thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel – Matt. 19:29
When you serve the Lord with faith even in trials, he
would give you the crown of life – Rev. 2:10
When you labour in the Lord’s vineyard as his disciple,
ye shall receive a crown of glory that fades not away -1Peter 5:4
When you are in Christ Jesus and fight a good fight of
faith and have finished your course, then there shall be laid for you a crown
of righteousness - 2Tim. 4:7:8, Gal. 4:7, Rev. 22:24; 21:7; 22:12
When you are become a disciple of Christ and turn many
to righteousness, shall shine like stars forever more – Dan. 12:3, Rev. 21:7,
I want to believe that you cannot afford to ignore the foregoing benefits
of becoming a friend and disciple of Christ. Hence I am offering you the
opportunity to come up higher in your service to the Lord this year and become
a disciple of Christ.
Truly, what shall it really profit a man, if he gain the whole world and
lose his soul? Nothing is comparable to the value of your soul, as a wise
fellow you can’t exchange your soul even with all the riches, silver, gold,
diamond of the whole earth – why? Because everything in this world shall pass
away but His word; His kingdom, can never pass away.
Friends, it’s wiser to be a disciple of Christ and make Heaven than to
enjoy and live a sinful life here on earth and suffer in hell fire forever. The
choice is up to you, you can determine where you want to spend your eternity
(everlasting life) whether in Heaven or in Hell. Remember the rich man and
Lazarus, and whether to sit with Jesus on His throne and receive the crown and
reward as a faithful servant and disciple or otherwise.
For more information on how to become a fellow disciple of Christ and become
his friend and do his will, and start a relationship with him today. Please contact
us via the below phone or e-mail and fellowship us.
Your brother-in-Christ,
Apostle Anthony C. Nwokolo
Founder/ Presiding Minister,
7, Asiata House, Off Kudirat Abiola Way,
Oregun, Ikeja
Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: +234-806-829-6897, 0802-230-3482
WELCOME TO JULY 2014, the Second Half of the year.
Hello folks, its the dawning of a new day, i usher you into the 2nd half of the year 2014. Peradventure the 1st half of the year might ve not been as fruitful nor fulfilling as you anticipated but nevertheless it is not over until it is all over, you can bounce back into this 2nd half of the year with new direction, new vision, vigor, committment, strategies and resilience. Just as a football team might be down with a goal or two during the first half of a match and after the motivational pep talk during the half time, the same team that was down with one or even three goals can come back, equalize and even win the match.
I dont know what the devil might have stolen or denied you during the first half of the year (from January to June 2014. I announce to you that if you can retrospect and re-evaluate what, how, who and where you have invested your time, energy and resources in the first half of the year and see if it have yielded the expected result. If not, you need to change and re-strategize, as well as change your focus, pursuit and approach in this second half of the year. Because, it has been proven that insanity is doing one thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Perhaps, you ve not invested enough of your time seeking God, reading and meditating on His word as well as praying and proclaiming His word. These days a whole lot of young folks out there dont ve time for God nor the things of God, instead they have time for Football, Politics, Fashion, Social activities and Money instead of God. Anything you love, value or worship above God becomes your idol. And God hates idolatry, see Exodus 20: 3. So in this second half of the year, i implore you to seek and place God first and let Him be your No. 1 priority. And He will make you. No one knows a product like the manufacturer. God is your manufacturer...why not allow Him to have His place in your Life, Business, Career and Family and He will make you. Jesus told Peter follow me and i will make you......You cant make it by your power. As you resolve to work and walk with God in this second half of the year, you will see His GLORY in your life in Jesus Christ's mighty name, i declare, Amen!
Secondly, haven resolved to make God your priority in this second half of the year, the next step is that you need to set a GOAL of the things you want to achieve or accomplish within the second half of this year and ask Him to empower you. The problem with some people is that they dont take time to set their goals nor make plans on how to achieve it. Imaging a football match where there is no goal post, would there emerge a winner or loser at the end of the match? of course no. And you should write it down your goals and commit them to God in prayer. For is is written, where there is no vision the people perish - Prov. 29: 18 and Habakkuk 2:2, tells us to "Write down the vision make it plain upon tables, that he may run that reads it.... I will stop here for today and shall continue tomorrow. This month of July i will be sharing some biblical and philosophical principles for success as my own contribution for the upliftment of friends and brethren. I implore to stay tune here for timeless insights....Dont forget you are the image of God, you ve no business with failure, because your maker is a success you must succeed in Jesus Christ mighty name, Amen!.
Tony C. Nwokolo,is the founder and CEO., of SUCCESS STRATEGIES NIGERIA, a Leadership, Business Growth & Success Strategies Consultancy/Training, IT & E-Business Solutions company. He is also a Minister at The Redeemed Christian Church of God (Glory Sanctuary Parish, Province 17, Akute, Lagos, Nigeria. He is the Publisher of SUCCESS STORIES BLOG <> and HEAVENLY NEWS <>. Tony is a highly sought-after gifted and dynamic, Motivational Speaker, Teacher, Preacher, Trainer and Consultant; he speaks to business managers and at church programmes. Tony has trained a whole lot of staff of top corporations within Nigeria and oversea, and has addressed thousands at seminars and Conferences.
Hello folks, its the dawning of a new day, i usher you into the 2nd half of the year 2014. Peradventure the 1st half of the year might ve not been as fruitful nor fulfilling as you anticipated but nevertheless it is not over until it is all over, you can bounce back into this 2nd half of the year with new direction, new vision, vigor, committment, strategies and resilience. Just as a football team might be down with a goal or two during the first half of a match and after the motivational pep talk during the half time, the same team that was down with one or even three goals can come back, equalize and even win the match.
I dont know what the devil might have stolen or denied you during the first half of the year (from January to June 2014. I announce to you that if you can retrospect and re-evaluate what, how, who and where you have invested your time, energy and resources in the first half of the year and see if it have yielded the expected result. If not, you need to change and re-strategize, as well as change your focus, pursuit and approach in this second half of the year. Because, it has been proven that insanity is doing one thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Perhaps, you ve not invested enough of your time seeking God, reading and meditating on His word as well as praying and proclaiming His word. These days a whole lot of young folks out there dont ve time for God nor the things of God, instead they have time for Football, Politics, Fashion, Social activities and Money instead of God. Anything you love, value or worship above God becomes your idol. And God hates idolatry, see Exodus 20: 3. So in this second half of the year, i implore you to seek and place God first and let Him be your No. 1 priority. And He will make you. No one knows a product like the manufacturer. God is your manufacturer...why not allow Him to have His place in your Life, Business, Career and Family and He will make you. Jesus told Peter follow me and i will make you......You cant make it by your power. As you resolve to work and walk with God in this second half of the year, you will see His GLORY in your life in Jesus Christ's mighty name, i declare, Amen!
Secondly, haven resolved to make God your priority in this second half of the year, the next step is that you need to set a GOAL of the things you want to achieve or accomplish within the second half of this year and ask Him to empower you. The problem with some people is that they dont take time to set their goals nor make plans on how to achieve it. Imaging a football match where there is no goal post, would there emerge a winner or loser at the end of the match? of course no. And you should write it down your goals and commit them to God in prayer. For is is written, where there is no vision the people perish - Prov. 29: 18 and Habakkuk 2:2, tells us to "Write down the vision make it plain upon tables, that he may run that reads it.... I will stop here for today and shall continue tomorrow. This month of July i will be sharing some biblical and philosophical principles for success as my own contribution for the upliftment of friends and brethren. I implore to stay tune here for timeless insights....Dont forget you are the image of God, you ve no business with failure, because your maker is a success you must succeed in Jesus Christ mighty name, Amen!.
Tony C. Nwokolo,is the founder and CEO., of SUCCESS STRATEGIES NIGERIA, a Leadership, Business Growth & Success Strategies Consultancy/Training, IT & E-Business Solutions company. He is also a Minister at The Redeemed Christian Church of God (Glory Sanctuary Parish, Province 17, Akute, Lagos, Nigeria. He is the Publisher of SUCCESS STORIES BLOG <> and HEAVENLY NEWS <>. Tony is a highly sought-after gifted and dynamic, Motivational Speaker, Teacher, Preacher, Trainer and Consultant; he speaks to business managers and at church programmes. Tony has trained a whole lot of staff of top corporations within Nigeria and oversea, and has addressed thousands at seminars and Conferences.
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