Tuesday, 1 July 2014


WELCOME TO JULY 2014, the Second Half of the year.

Hello folks, its the dawning of a new day, i usher you into the 2nd half of the year 2014. Peradventure the 1st half of the year might ve not been as fruitful nor fulfilling as you anticipated but nevertheless it is not over until it is all over, you can bounce back into this 2nd half of the year with new direction, new vision, vigor, committment, strategies and resilience. Just as a football team might be down with a goal or two during  the first half of a match and after the motivational pep talk during the half time, the same team that was down with one or even three goals can come back, equalize and even win the match.

I dont know what the devil might have stolen or denied you during the first half of the year (from January to June 2014. I announce to you that if you can retrospect and re-evaluate what, how, who and where you have invested your time, energy and resources in the first half of the year and see if it have yielded the expected result. If not, you need to change and re-strategize, as well as change your focus, pursuit and approach in this second half of the year. Because, it has been proven that insanity is doing one thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Perhaps, you ve not invested enough of your time seeking God, reading and meditating on His word as well as praying and proclaiming His word. These days a whole lot of young folks out there dont ve time for God nor the things of God, instead they have time for Football, Politics, Fashion, Social activities and Money instead of God. Anything you love, value or worship above God becomes your idol. And God hates idolatry, see Exodus 20: 3. So in this second half of the year, i implore you to seek and place God first and let Him be your No. 1 priority.  And He will make you. No one knows a product like the manufacturer. God is your manufacturer...why not allow Him to have His place in your Life, Business, Career and Family and He will make you. Jesus told Peter follow me and i will make you......You cant make it by your power. As you resolve to work and walk with God in this second half of the year, you will see His GLORY in your life in Jesus Christ's mighty name, i declare, Amen!

Secondly, haven resolved to make God your priority in this second half of the year, the next step is that you need to set a GOAL of the things you want to achieve or accomplish within the second half of this year and ask Him to empower you. The problem with some people is that they dont take time to set their goals nor make plans on how to achieve it. Imaging a football match where there is no goal post, would there emerge a winner or loser at the end of the match? of course no. And you should write it down your goals and commit them to God in prayer. For is is written, where there is no vision the people perish - Prov. 29: 18 and Habakkuk 2:2, tells us to "Write down the vision make it plain upon tables, that he may run that reads it.... I will stop here for today and shall continue tomorrow. This month of July i will be sharing some biblical and philosophical principles for success as my own contribution for the upliftment of friends and brethren. I implore to stay tune here for timeless insights....Dont forget you are the image of God, you ve no business with failure, because your maker is a success you must succeed in Jesus Christ mighty name, Amen!.
Tony C. Nwokolo,is the founder and CEO., of SUCCESS STRATEGIES NIGERIA, a Leadership, Business Growth & Success Strategies Consultancy/Training, IT & E-Business Solutions company. He is also a Minister at The Redeemed Christian Church of God (Glory Sanctuary Parish, Province 17, Akute, Lagos, Nigeria. He is the Publisher of SUCCESS STORIES BLOG <www.successstoriesng.blogspot.com> and HEAVENLY NEWS <www.heavenlykingdomnews.blogspot.com>. Tony is a highly sought-after gifted and dynamic, Motivational Speaker, Teacher, Preacher, Trainer and Consultant; he speaks to business managers and at church programmes. Tony has trained a whole lot of staff of top corporations within Nigeria and oversea, and has addressed thousands at seminars and Conferences.

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