Monday 3 November 2014


Apostle Tony C. Nwokolo
Publisher, Heavenly Kingdom News Blog
Author, The 10 Commandment of God for Success & Fulfillment
Hello folks, apologies for not posting info on this blog for some thing now...I been actually working on my  latest book, titled; THE 10 COMMANDMENTS OF GOD FOR SUCCESS & FULFILLMENT.

The book will be released middle of this November 2014 and you can book for your copy now in advance by sending an email to : <> This book is loaded with Biblical Laws and principles of Success and Fulfillment. Its a inspirational and Revelation book and you cant afford to miss.....Remember my people are perishing for lack of knowledge.


The 10 Commandments of God for Total Success & Fulfillment, is power packed thought–provoking book, it does not only outline the keys to Discover and unleash the seed (gifts&potentials) for greatness planted in every one that walks this face of the earth by the Almighty God. It also reveals the step by step guidelines on how to actualize and fulfill God’s purpose for our lives by Discovering, Desiring, Demanding, Deciding, Designing, Developing, Becoming Diligent, Disciplined, Determined and Dedicating our Success to Divinity and to Humanity, and in so doing actualize our Destinies and make Heaven, which is the ultimate Success.

It is an all encompassing book embedded with scriptural laws and Principles for all-round Success and Fulfillment. It is an inspirational, motivational and revelation masterpiece loaded with thought-provoking biblical insights, commandments, case studies and references. The life -transforming kingdom-basedlaws packaged in this book are practical, trans-generational, trans-cultural and infallible. It would inform and transform the paradigm and lives ofas many that would read and apply the commandments (laws) outlined herein to attain true Success and be fulfilled in life, regardless of their background.
The 10 Commandments of God for Good Success & Fulfillment, as documented in this book are:
Commandment  1   - Thou shall Discover
Commandment  2   -   Thou shall Desire
Commandment  3   -   Thou shall Demand
Commandment  4   -   Thou shall Decide
Commandment  5   -   Thou shall Design
Commandment  6   -   Thou shall Develop
Commandment  7   -  Thou shall be Diligent
Commandment  8   -  Thou shall be Disciplined
Commandment 9    -  Thou shall be Determined
Commandment 10  -   Thou shall Dedicate your Success to the Most HighGod.
The foregoing scriptural Laws of Success & Fulfillment are based on divine inspiration to the Author with a mandate to share it on earth. “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel says; write in a book, all the words I have spoken to you - Jeremiah 30:2”.


Anthony Chinweugo Nwokolo, is fire-brand, dynamic and anointed minister of the gospel, an end-time evangelist and teacher of God’s word with in-depth understanding of the kingdom. He is a minister at Glory Sanctuary Parish of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Lagos Province 50, Banner of Love Area, Akute, Lagos, Nigeria. Tony’s passion is inspiring individuals and organizations to discover and maximize their potentials, achieve their goals and become successful and fulfilled. He is an Inspirational Speaker, Teacher, Preacher, Trainer, Entrepreneur, E-Business Consultant, Marketing Strategist and Leadership Coach. He is a highly sought-after dynamic Minister, Trainer and Consultant; he ministers at church programmes and speaks at business seminars and training programs.He is the founder/CEO., of Success Strategies Consulting & Solutions, Publisher, SUCCESS STORIES BLOG &Magazine <>& HEAVENLY KINGDOM NEWS Blog <>, He is happily married to Ukamaka Eucharia, and they are blessed of the good Lord with three glorious boys and two beautiful girls.He can be reached via email: chiugo.nwokolo@gmail.comor       Follow on Twitter: @NwokoloTony

Tony C. Nwokolo,

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