Saturday, 11 April 2015

Give and You Shall Receive

Someone asked me the other day (after reading my article: How to Get More Money) “Why do we sometimes give and not receive?”  They asked “What is the science behind the concept: Give and you shall receive.
I personally think that these are two great questions, so I will briefly answer these questions today.
The science behind giving and receiving
Most of us have been taught that if we give we will receive.  But why is this true?  What are some practical examples of people giving and actually receiving?

Thursday, 9 April 2015

The Success Principles and Strategies The Super Rich Does Not Want Any One to Discover

Tony Nwokolo
As i celebrate some decades on this planet today, am glad to my Lord God for the glorious and wonderful things He is doing in my life and through my life, family, business and ministries. I think i ve discovered His purpose and plans for my life and i am glad i am towing that line.

To this end, i hereby present the information below as my cake gift to my friends and well-wishers that are unable to join me as i mark my birthday today at my house (Rehoboth Crib, Lagos. As a way of expressing my gratitude to the most High for His goodness and mercies thus far to me and to my lovely family. As many that are unable join me here physically but wishing me well as i mark this beginning of a new phase in my life, i want to share this Success Principles from my latest book with you guys as my birthday gift... I  herby reveals -The Success Principles and Strategies The Super Rich Does Not Want Any One to Discover.....I hope it will impart and impact your life positively. Shalom. Happy Easter in Advance...Shalom. For your Success!

Friday, 3 April 2015

Thou Shall Design, Keys to Designing and Planning your life, career and business for Greatness.

Tony C. Nwokolo
Designing your life, your products/services and your system in a unique way is the key to a successful and fulfilled life or business – Anthony C. Josephat-Nwokolo.
Mental activities are spiritual in nature

I will be sharing from today 3 series on Thou Shall Design, How to Design and Plan your life, career and business for Greatness. 
Designing and planning is a mental activity and all mental activities are spiritual in nature, and it has been proved that the spiritual always supersedes and precedes the physical. So endeavour to design and finish your projects in your mind first before you embark on the physical implementation. This is what leadership and management guru Mr. Steven Covey of blessed memory refers to as “Beginning with the end in mind”.