Friday 3 April 2015

Thou Shall Design, Keys to Designing and Planning your life, career and business for Greatness.

Tony C. Nwokolo
Designing your life, your products/services and your system in a unique way is the key to a successful and fulfilled life or business – Anthony C. Josephat-Nwokolo.
Mental activities are spiritual in nature

I will be sharing from today 3 series on Thou Shall Design, How to Design and Plan your life, career and business for Greatness. 
Designing and planning is a mental activity and all mental activities are spiritual in nature, and it has been proved that the spiritual always supersedes and precedes the physical. So endeavour to design and finish your projects in your mind first before you embark on the physical implementation. This is what leadership and management guru Mr. Steven Covey of blessed memory refers to as “Beginning with the end in mind”.

Truly, whoever wants to live and lead a good, glorious, successful, peaceful, joyful and fulfilled life, must sit down first and design the kind of life and style of living he or she wants to live. You have got to discover, decide and design what you want to spend the rest of your life doing, because life is one of the capitals which the good Lord has granted us to trade and profit with on this planet. In the book of Matthew 25: 14 -19; Jesus revealed this truth in the story tagged The Parable of the Talent;

"For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord's money. After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them - Matthew 25: 14 -19 NKJV

You will understand from the foregoing parable told by our Lord Jesus  Christ that life is a capital which the Almighty God has invested in every man to do trade with it on earth, and everyone shall account for how he or she spent his or her own on the judgment day – Romans 14: 12. In the light of this, we ought to make wise and prudent use of our life and time to do valuable and worthwhile things with it, especially the things that glorifies God and adds value to fellow human-beings and to God’s kingdom.
In other words, you have to design (plan) your life and what you will invest it into in order to make the most of it. You don’t have to live your life any how you want or carelessly, because it is a gift, rather you have to live and spend it judiciously, bearing in mind that you shall account for it before your creator – Romans 14: 10. You should be conscious of the fact that God gave you life to use it to serve, worship, and fellowship, obey, love, preach and glorify Him; therefore you should make pleasing and serving Him your priority.
You have got to design your life; the way an architect designs a building on paper first, before the construction workforce start laying the foundation blocks. Designing your life involves drawing a blue print of whom and what you want to become and accomplish during your life time and the steps to get there. A plan shows and indicates what will be done first, and what will follow next and so on.
Let’s assume you intend to become entrepreneur you must first and foremost learn and acquire the necessary knowledge or skills on how to lead, produce, manage and market products or services from schools, books, mentors, training programs and seminars etc. The next step should be to resolve on the type of product or service you intend to produce or offer, and then you will need to sit down and draw a business plan indicating the business structure, how to raise capital for the business, how and who to manage and market it, as well as where and how to locate and sustain the business. You should write down all these steps in order of their importance and priority, as well as, decide and determine the product or service you can start with the capital you have at that time, grow and maximize it and when to move to the next level.
This same principle or approach applies to whatsoever you want to do with your life. You need to plan how long you want to spend doing the work or business you are doing at the moment, and when you shall start at a new business, ministry, pursuing your purpose etc., and what you aim to achieve or accomplish.
Draw Your Plan on Paper (Blueprint)
Prepare your outside work, Make it fit for yourself in the field; and afterward build your house - Prov 24:27 NKJV
The steps, approach, strategies and techniques to employ to actualize your dream when penned on paper, becomes a plan or design (blueprint). You cannot have all your plans on your head; rather you can always capture it on paper, and then continue to review, update, upgrade and implement your plans, designs and strategies until it is actualized to the later.
Change To The Best and Things Will Change to the Best for You.
There is a popular aphorism, which says; that change is the only thing that is constant, everything or persons is subject to change.
For instance, if you don’t like the kind of life you are living at this moment, you can actually change it to become better. Someone wrote that one can actually change his or her life by changing his or her thinking paradigm; by changing your thinking, attitude, approach, strategy, character, habits, life styles or profession, you can change your life or status, as well as where you are heading to in life and hereafter. It’s all in your hands and subject to your control.  All you need to do in order to effect a change is to make a decision, and then design a plan for the change to happen, in your life, your Job, your business, your career your family etc.  Where you are today does not really matters, rather it is the direction you are moving that matters – Anthony C. Josephat-Nwokolo.
Create a Plan
If you want to become wealthy, create a wealth plan, if you want to be healthy, create a health plan, if you want to make it to the Kingdom of God, create a kingdom plan; on how to fulfill the will of God.
For instance, if you want to become wealthy, you ought to design and create a plan on how to create streams of income in order to earn more money, by adding more value to what you offer or by changing the way you promote or present it, or by designing a plan on how to supply and serve more people and meet more needs. These are some wealth creation plans you can adopt.
Design and Deliver What Gives you Joy and Enriches the Lives of Others.
Friends, I implore you to think of the things you are good at, which gives you joy, fulfillment and at the same time enriches the lives of other people, and then design, develop and deliver it with a pleasing personality. And in so doing you shall become relevant to the society and to the world as a blessing to your generation. God tells us that everyone should not think of his own benefits, rather for the benefits of others. In Mark 10:44 Jesus tells us that; And whosoever of you will be the greatest, should be the servant. We are blessed to be a blessing to our generation.
"I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you  - Genesis 12: 22
In view of these, i implore you to resolve today that you would design (plan) your life in such a way that you shall invest it doing what you enjoy doing which adds value to the kingdom of God and to humanity as father Abraham did. This is the key to goodsuccess, joy and fulfillment.

culled from my latest book: 10 Biblical Laws for Success & Fulfillment

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