Wednesday 16 March 2016

Exceeding Great Faith; the key to the Miraculous!

Apostle Chiugo Anthony Nwokolo

Exceeding Great Faith; the key to the Miraculous!
Engage the exceeding great faith today and you will begin to wonder why have you not been using this latent power that has been inside you all this while. Am a living testimony to the efficacy of this kind of faith.
Hi folks welcome on board! Fasten your seat belt as we begin a series I tag; Thou Shall Know the Truth! 
Keep a date with me here, on my facebook page or my blog as stated below every day for a fresh insight and revelation of God's word as we explore the undiluted truths for glorious and fulfilling living according to God's word.
What then is faith? Now Faith is the substance (assurance) of things hope, the evidence (conviction) of things not seen, for by it the elders obtained good report (commendation) - Heb. 11:1-2

I am beginning this series by laying the foundation first, because if the foundation be destroyed what shall the righteous do. Faith is the foundation you must lay for you to build a great life here and here after. This is why, it is written, " But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him -Heb 11:6
In other words, faith is a living force drawn from the living word to produce living proofs. It is overlooking the obvious situation to see the glorious future as Jesus overlooked the stinking body of Lazarus and yet called him back to life, see John 11: 39-44 . I don't know what is dead in your life, marriage, business or career that seems as if there is no hope again. In the name that is above other names, I call it back to life in Jesus Christ name!  May be you have concluded like Mary and Martha that by this time their brother Lazarus stinks, now hear what Jesus answered them; Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God? - John 11:40
Its recorded that Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him as righteousness. Faith is the hardest currency on earth and with it you can accomplish any thing in life. Develop it. There are different level's of faith, according to our Lord Jesus Christ, they are; No faith, little faith, great faith, and exceedingly great faith. Which level are operating? The level of faith you are operating determines the result you shall command.  Think and mediate of these! You are blessed to be a channel of blessings to other with whatever God has blessed you with.

Anthony C. Nwokolo, is an end time Apostle of Christ gifted with great understanding and teaching of God's word. An Author & Inspirational Speaker, He is also entrepreneur with interest in ICT, Publishing, Broadcasting, Real Estate & Online Business. He is a minister of the gospel,  founder, Success Strategies Consulting & Solutions, Chief Servant, Christ Friends Fellowship.
For more inspirational and transformational revelation teachings like this one check this page daily on  you can search for ; Anthony Chiugo Nwokolo or visit my

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