Wednesday 26 March 2014


The real measure of life is the difference it makes.

God intends for us as individuals to be different.

He made us to be different one from another.

Our difference is our identity and uniqueness.

Our differences creates varieties and colours.

The truth is, If you are not different, you are not needed.

If you are not different, your absence will not be felt.

Your difference is your mark and strength.

Stand different in the way God has made you.

Don’t bend, don’t blend, otherwise you will lose your uniqueness.

Stand different, stand unique and stand out!

Your been different adds flavor and fun to your society.

It lightens the environment, and contributes to their well being.

By been different you become a blessing and influence to your world (immediate and large society).

Even though you are created to be different and you have all it takes to make a difference, you need passion to make that a reality. Jude 22.

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