Wednesday 12 March 2014

NECESSITY OF VISION - Apostle Chiugo Anthony Josephat-Nwokolo

Apostle Chiugo Anthony Josephat-Nwokolo
Without vision life is meaningless. Proverbs 29:18
Without vision man is naked and dishonourable.
Life’s honor is obtainable only as man is vision ruled.
Be vision ruled to end as a world ruler. The world is neutral, it is simply vision guided, vision influenced and vision ruled.
That was the secret Uzziah who lined up with the visions of God under the prophetic direction of Zechariah.
Only those who are vision ruled will end as rulers.
11 Chronicles 26:1-5
Prophets are agents for communicating and impartation of vision.
Hosea 12:10
Be vision moved, vision ruled and vision guided.

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