Saturday 11 April 2015

Give and You Shall Receive

Someone asked me the other day (after reading my article: How to Get More Money) “Why do we sometimes give and not receive?”  They asked “What is the science behind the concept: Give and you shall receive.
I personally think that these are two great questions, so I will briefly answer these questions today.
The science behind giving and receiving
Most of us have been taught that if we give we will receive.  But why is this true?  What are some practical examples of people giving and actually receiving?

In my article How to Get More Money I discussed the concept that if you give of yourself “to others” you will receive.  I went on to say that if you give to a large number of people, you will receive a large harvest, and if you give to a small number of people, then you will receive a small harvest.

A practical example
When you go to work and “give” your employer your time, you “receive” wages.
If your job requires that you give value to a lot of people (e.g. you’re the CEO of a large company), you will receive a large harvest.
If your job requires that you give value to a few people (e.g. you’re a cashier at your local grocery store), then you will receive a relatively smaller harvest.
What about giving money?
Someone may ask, “If I give money will I receive money?”  If so, why is this true?  First let me define giving…
If you give only to receive, then that’s not giving at all.  I believe the Webster dictionary would more accurately define that type of transaction as bartering.  Real giving means to offer, to present, to bestow, from a heart that wants nothing more than to give.  When you give, you’re not giving to get, you’re giving…to give.
So the question remains, “If I give money, will I receive money?”
If you’re truly “giving” money, and not bartering the money in exchange for more money, I believe your giving creates an avenue for you to receive more money, but only if you give believing that there is no lack; only if you give from an “abundance mindset.”  
Because giving from an “abundance mindset” puts in place a timeless principle that causes you to receive.  Please tell me more…
Giving from an “abundance mindset” provides factual confirmation to your subconscious mind that there is no lack.  Giving from an “abundance mindset” authenticates the belief in your subconscious mind that you can afford to give because there is an unlimited supply to give from.
When you really believe that there’s an unlimited supply to give from, you can then act on receiving from that same unlimited supply (and you’re happy to give).
Put it another way, giving from an “abundance mindset” unconsciously stretches your ability to receive.  It expands your capacity to believe, and from this new altered mindset, you can receive.
The right way to give
What’s the right way to give?  The right way to give is to give freely.  Jesus said, “When you give, don’t let your right hand know, what your left hand is doing.”  In other words, a part of you knows that giving induces receiving, but your giving shouldn’t come from that place; your giving should come from a pure heart that just wants to give…
Your giving should come from an uncontaminated heart, a heart that is untainted by greed.  When you give from this pure heart, your subconscious opens the door for you to receive, if you believe that you will receive.
The harvest
But there’s still additional work on your part.
If I give to the ground “seed,” I will receive a harvest in relative proportion to the seed that I’ve planted.  But that’s not enough, what good is it to have a field full of plants ripe for the picking, if I don’t go out and bring in the harvest through the sweat of my brow.
You may be giving to others with your right hand, …that’s planting the seed, but now it’s time to reap the harvest with your left hand.  Are you following me?  It’s not enough to plant, it’s not enough to sow, you must take the harvest from the field, and you must bring it “inside.”
You must discover a way to eat from the fruit of your labor.  You must work to receive the reward from your giving, and you do this by providing value to others, and by creating a way to receive from that value.
When you provide value to others with the proper mindset that there is no lack, you strategically position yourself to bring in the harvest…
And the harvest that you bring in is a harvest that you would not have been able to perceive, had you not given of your time, your money, and your resources.
Giving from this “abundance mindset” opens the window of receiving.
Should you want to receive from your giving?
A part of you should desire to receive from your giving; in receiving from your giving you complete the “giving cycle,” thus giving you more to give!
When you complete the “giving cycle,” not only will you have more to give to others, you’ll have more to give to yourself.
Even giving to yourself is a form of giving that can radically change your life, but I’ll save that thought for another article.
In closing
…Give from the right heart, give from an “abundance mindset,” work to receive your harvest, …don’t let your right hand know what your left hand is doing, and your giving will change your life, and your world.

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