Thursday 9 April 2015

The Success Principles and Strategies The Super Rich Does Not Want Any One to Discover

Tony Nwokolo
As i celebrate some decades on this planet today, am glad to my Lord God for the glorious and wonderful things He is doing in my life and through my life, family, business and ministries. I think i ve discovered His purpose and plans for my life and i am glad i am towing that line.

To this end, i hereby present the information below as my cake gift to my friends and well-wishers that are unable to join me as i mark my birthday today at my house (Rehoboth Crib, Lagos. As a way of expressing my gratitude to the most High for His goodness and mercies thus far to me and to my lovely family. As many that are unable join me here physically but wishing me well as i mark this beginning of a new phase in my life, i want to share this Success Principles from my latest book with you guys as my birthday gift... I  herby reveals -The Success Principles and Strategies The Super Rich Does Not Want Any One to Discover.....I hope it will impart and impact your life positively. Shalom. Happy Easter in Advance...Shalom. For your Success!


One of my mentors once said that; thinking is the hardest job, and that is why few people are engaging in it.  To become great and a leader in your field, you have got to engage your mind and brain power; It is the hardest job, and that is why most people on this face of the earth cannot take the time to think and design their life, even if they are not satisfied with their current financial, economic, spiritual, physical, mental and social status.
This is one of the ironies of life. Most people prefers to keep doing the job they hate, instead of creating and living the life they were designed by God to live, just because  they need the pay cheque (check) every month. They cannot see any other thing they can do except the job they are sick of. This is why most people go through life as slaves willingly, doing the jobs they hate, and are sick and tired of. They cannot break the yoke off their neck because of money; they have not discovered their gifts and divine endowments which the Lord God has equipped every person on this planet with as their capital to trade with.

The truth is that when you discover what you are gifted and good at, which gives you joy and fulfillment, and you serve humanity and divinity with it, money will surely run after you instead of you working and running after money, you will be enjoying your work. 
 Wealth Flows to a System

Why is it that most people are too weak or lazy to think and create wealth? The answer is FEAR, fear of course is the major reason. They are afraid to take risk. The fear of the unknown, the fear of failure, the fear of criticism, they want to play safe.

In other words, if you really want to become successful, wealthy and fulfilled, you need to design and develop a system that would be working for you; generating money for you whether you are working or not.

 You ought to design a system that would be generating cash inflow to your coffers even if you are sleeping or on vacation and that way you can become financially free.

Whatever you are doing as the source of your income, you need to design it, in such a way, that it can run (operate) with or without you be it a business, ministry, profession, a shop, a factory, you need to design it so that it can work, run, operate or perform better, even when you are not there.

No wonder, even in the bible, Moses father in-law (Jethro) instructed him to gather and coach able men from the people of Israel to assist him in judging and managing the Israelites, lest they would weary him. You have to delegate and leverage. When you fail to delegate and assign your subordinates to assist you in your job, you will be stressed and worn out and your health might begin to fail or deteriorate.

Do That Which Only You Can Do

Don’t be a perfectionist, someone can do most of your job, and might even do it better than you, so that you shall have time and energy to do the things that only you can do. Therefore you need to design and develop a system that can do your job, as well as develop and empower other people to assist you in your job.
Since the advent of computers, the internet and automated machines are competing with men who would perform jobs better and faster.  Wise men today don’t do all the jobs they can do, as long as there are people or technologies that could be deployed to do the jobs.  Be wise, start delegating today, and do only the few works which only you can do very well. 

Design and Build a System to Work for You

A story was told about two men that were awarded contracts to supply water to a particular village. One man rushed to the market bought two buckets, one for himself and another for his son, and they started using it to run to the village stream to fetch water and dump in their tank for the villagers to buy from it, however they were not able to supply enough clean water for the villagers to use, before both of them fell sick due to the stress and hard labour they experienced.

The other fellow who was awarded the contract along with him, went to the drawing table, and engaged the professional services of an architect, water and civil engineers, and they designed and developed a system that pumps, refines and supplies water from the village stream to the town and built a water reservoir tank to store the water they pumped from the stream through their pumping machine and pipeline. The smart man engaged the professionals and managers to manage the water supply system for him and the revenues generated from the water supply business. He built cash generating System that continued to generate cash into his bank account, whether he is sleeping or on vacation, while the former passed away from the self-induced sickness before his time due to the stress.

Now assess yourself, your profession, business or job, and ask yourself this question; Am i drawing with bucks or delivering through a well established pipeline system? I am working hard or working smart?

The richest people on earth have all built a system that works for them even when they are sleeping or on vacation – Anthony C. Josephat-Nwokolo

The system you have designed and built would be generating cash flow for you even when you stop working. Are you working hard or working smart? Do you own a job, a business or own a system? Your answers to these questions would determine the result you shall command economically.

If the iron be blunt, and he do not whet the edge, then must he put to more strength: but wisdom is profitable to direct - Eccl 10:10 KJV

Design and Build a Team.

Your dream, plus a team, and backed-up with a scheme, you would realize your dream - Anthony Chiugo Josephat-Nwokolo
Having discovered what God has purposely designed and deployed you into this world to do, you will need to recruit and build a complete team that would work with you to enable you to accomplish your assignment, dream, vision and mission on this planet earth.
You cannot do it all alone, when your goal or dream is a great one, you will need the right people that would complement your efforts to accomplish it. You need people that can strengthen your weakness.

There are certain areas where you are weak, someone in your team should complement you weakness. That is why it is written even in the scriptures that “His strength is made perfect in your weakness.

Only Luke is with me. Take Mark, and bring him with thee for he is profitable to me for the ministry – 2nd Timothy 4: 11

In view of the foregoing scripture Paul is requesting that they should bring Brother Mark to him because he needs him in his ministry. In other words, you cannot run your ministry or even business all alone; you need people to work with you. Lone rangers don’t accomplish great things.

Assemble the right people and professionals in your team, and endeavour to meet with them every day, week or month to brainstorm and master-mind on how to achieve your personal or corporate goals and objectives.

Even Jesus Christ, had disciples during his earthly ministry, you also need disciples to assist you to achieve your God given purpose and assignment.

Napoleon Hill called it Mastermind Alliance. As the master minder of that vision, it’s your responsibility to find and organize the right people together to assist you to actualize it. For instance, you need the professional services of Attorneys, Accountants, Managers, Marketers, Administrators etc., on your team in order to excel in your field. And they can participate as advisers, consultants or as full-time or part-time employees. Robert Kiyosaki, says, that there three steps to a business deal, they are; finding the right people, finding the right opportunity and finding the right money.

I am convinced that if you can apply all the ideas and principles I shared here and on all the other chapters of this book; you will join others who have testified of the efficacy of these principles.

See you on top as you embark on designing and planning your life today. You shall succeed in Jesus Christ’s mighty name, Amen!

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