Thursday 11 August 2016

My Divine Encounter With Lord God on August 9th, 2016 and His Word to Me – Tony Nwokolo

Hey the Lord is good and always thinks, plans and does good for His children all the time.

I want to share with as many that will key in and tap from this divine encounter, anointing and word I received from the Lord in the early hours of Tuesday 9th August, 2016.

Early in the morning on the above mentioned date, I had a dream and in that vision the Lord sent one of His messengers with a word of revelation and encouragement to me, which i believe He wants me to share with as many that will believe. The person the Lord sent to me told me in that dream like trance the word the Lord had for me, and also gave me this word from God in the book of 1 kings 5: 4-5. And in that dream I asked the messenger to confirm the Bible quotation and I held unto it and immediately I woke up from the sleep and open my Bible to the check the word and, lo and behold, this is the word the Lord God sent His messenger to me;
"But now the Lord my God hath given me rest on every side, so that there is neither adversary nor evil occurrent.

And, behold, I purpose to build an house unto the name of the Lord my God, as the Lord spake unto David my father, saying, Thy son, whom I will set upon thy throne in thy room, he shall build an house unto my name Kings" 5:4-5.

Friends, until yesterday morning I don't know that aforementioned chapter and verse of the Bible passage above but the Lord sent that word for me and you. And that is why am sharing this with you and by the reason of the grace and anointing of the Lord upon my life; I prophesy in the name above other names that, from this day the Lord has granted you and i rest on every side and there shall be neither adversary nor evil occurent and the Lord shall use you and I to proclaim His word and establish God's kingdom here on earth, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ i declare, Amen! If you believe this say and type Amen! And claim it with faith.

Friends, there is God in Heaven that hears and answer prayers and blesses His children. He hears me wheneverI call and will hear you also.

Your blessed!
Your friend,
Tony Nwokolo
‪#‎Heaven‬ and earth shall pass away but his word can never pass away!

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