Tuesday 15 September 2015

How to write your Personal Vision Plan....Continued from yesterday.

Step Three: Find Your True Vision
Answer the following questions, and you’ll be amazed at the way God will begin to open your mind to His purpose  and vision for you. You’ll begin to see things that you’ve never seen before. Put them down on paper, read them over, think about them, pray about them, and begin to formulate ideas of what you want out of life.

Ask yourself the following:
·        What do I want to do with my life?
·        What am I inspired to do?
·        What would I want to do more than anything else, even if I was never paid for it?
·        What do I love to do so much that I forget to eat or sleep?

Allow yourself to think freely. Don’t put any limitations of time or money on your vision. Because many of us are influenced by others’ opinion of us and by our own false expectations for ourselves, it may take you a little time to discover what you really want. Persevere through the process and dig down deep to find your true desires. Below are activities to help you do this.


Write your own legacy

·        What you would like your eulogy to say about you? What would you like to be known for? What would you want others (for example, family members, colleagues, teachers, employers, neighbors) to say about you?

·        Family: what kind of husband, wife son, or daughter do you want to be remembered as?
·        Society: what kind of impact would you like to leave on your community?
·        World: In what way would you like the world to be different because you were here?

Write out your personal mission statement

Your mission statement is a general statement of what you want to have accomplished when your life is over. Ask yourself where you want to be one, five, ten, twenty, thirty years from now. Jot down your ideas and continue to think and pray about them.

Summarize your vision for your life in just one sentence

This is a specific statement of what you want to do in life. It should be what motivates you and keeps you going toward your dream.
To get a copy of; How to Write your Personal Vision Plan eBook visit our online bookstore <www.gooddeals.com.ng> or call Tony on +234-806-829-6897, 0909-454-0396 Costs: N3,000. 00 (US$30.00) only.

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