Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Do you know and Understanding Why You Are Living on this Planet now? A Must Read for Everyone to Live a Fulfilled Life

 Today's Topic: WHY AM I HERE?
Hi brethren, peace be unto you!
First, i implore you to take time to read this message because while I was writing this message the Spirit of God revealed to me that many people I send this messages to do not read it, He made to know that these days many don't have time to read their Bible talk less of this. In view of this, I appeal to you to read your Bible and kingdom materials like this as nobody knows nor understands everything in the Bible. I recall even the Ethiopian Eunuch could not understand the passage he was reading in the Bible until the Holy Spirit directed Philip to join himself to his chariot and explain what he was reading to him - Acts 8:27-32
The Lord is the one who inspired me to start this newsletter and I know that He is up to empower and bless lives through it. So don't be lazy to read. In fact, one of the weapons the devil is using against believers in this endtime is laziness to read. One of my friends was telling me that Nigerians don't read and I am aware of it as an author and a bookstore owner I know that.

However, I encourage you to read quality information especially heavenly information. Don't be too busy running after money, business or your work less they become your God. Its better you get wisdom from God's word first. The Bible tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and the things the world are running after and killing themselves to get shall be running after you - Matt. 6:33. No wonder, its written my people are perishing for lack of knowledge - Hosea 4:6

Understanding Why You Are Here (Living on this Planet now)
Yesterday we studied Who Am I? I believe you re getting revelation and inspiration for these messages. Today, we shall study and meditate on Why Am I Here?
As I stated in the previous message, "when purpose is unknown abuse is inevitable". In other words, when one don't know his or her mission here on earth the person is likely to misuse the opportunity.

*The Almighty God created you and I to know him, love, worship, obey, trust, fellowship and serve Him. John 14:6, Job 36:11, Hebrew 11:6. He also want us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. 

*To influence and dominate the world with His Word, Will, Ways, Wisdom, Love, Faith, Culture, Spirit and Power Gen 1:26-28
*God the father, the son and the Holy Spirit (the trinity) agreed to create man in their image and likeness for mam to have dominion over every thing on earth, in other words God created us to govern, rule, lead, influence, control and dominate the earth as His offsprings (children). The way a man can assign his son to manage and be the caretaker on one of his properties. That is how God has assign us to the earth. 

However, we need His Image and likeness (Holy Spirit) in order to manifest His wisdom, power and glory, if we must dominate and rule the earth. Without the image and likeness of God, which is the Spirit of God we cannot have dominion over all the creatures as he stated in the book of Gen 1:26. What then is the image of God? It is the Spirit of God because we learnt from John 4:24 that God is a Spirit. This Spirit is what Adam and Eve lost when they disobeyed God's instructions in the garden of Eden and since then man lost his position, authority and dominion. And that is what Our Lord Jesus Christ came to restore to us by sacrificing His life. If you believe Him and obey His words you shall then receive His Spirit, Life, Wisdom, Power and Glory. And then you can discover your gifts, talents and assignments and receive the grace to accomplish it. 
In other words, when we believe God's word and His sacrifice for us, we are born of God and we live in him and He in us and we become a member of the body of Christ on earth and He can then use us as vessels and instruments to execute and accomplish His will and objectives. 

That is why is written in the book of 1 Corinthians 12:12 "For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ". You body is the Temple of God, the Spirit of the Lord is meant to dwell in your body, amd manifest and impact the world through your body and God is the owner of your body - 1 Corinth 6:19.
In conclusion, you are here on earth as a member of the body of Christ, an instrument, a vessel and a channel for Christ to use and manifest his love, power, will, word, wisdom, culture and glory of God on earth as its in Heaven, and you are to do that with your gifts and whatever He has blessed you with. 

Prayer point: 
Father Lord I come to you today accept, sanctify and use me to accomplish your will here on earth. From today I surrender and rededicate my life to you, use me as an instrument for your glory in Jesus Christ glorious name I pray, Amen!
Please read and meditate on this revelation and it will illuminate and transform your life.

You can forward and share this message with as many as you can and together the Lord shall use us to enlighten the world. God bless you richly in Jesus Christ name, Amen!

Your brother in Christ,

Apostle A.C. Nwokolo,
For clarifications, prayer or counseling, please don't hesitate to contact me via 0909-454-0396 or email:


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