Friday 1 January 2016

2016 year of Manifestations and Celebrations

2016 year of Manifestations and Celebrations

Welcome to year 2016!
New year, new life, new beginnings new levels, new things, new chapter, new glory, new grace, new doors, new connections, new anointing, new fire, new revelation, new Spirit and above all its time to start a new walk and relationship with God thru our Lord Jesus Christ. Its written Eye have not seen neither has it entered the hearts of men what God has prepared for them that love Him - 1Corinth. 2:9. As long as you love God this shall be ur year of Manifestations and Celebrations in JESUS MIGHTY NAME, Amen! Do ve a glorious and peaceful 2016.

With love from,
Tony Nwokolo & Family,
Heavenly KingdomMinistry
Success Strategies Communications
S. Strategies Solutions

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