Thursday 21 January 2016

Wealth or Poverty, Success or Failure, they are in your hands and subject to you determination


What becomes of you in life is determined by your hand – whether poor or rich, failure or success, healthy or sickly. Poverty or Riches – Make your choice!
Neither poverty nor riches is a state. Poverty is a choice to make. So also is riches. It comes via a process not by imposition. No poor man today was born poor.
“He becometh poor…” Proverbs.10:4. How? By dealing “with slack hands.”

 Being rich is not a gift. Riches are made through diligence. Just as a slack hand can never be rich, the diligent will never be poor.
 “hand of the diligent maketh rich.” Proverbs.10:4.
 No one was born rich. People are simply made rich.

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