Wednesday 16 March 2016

Faith for Salvation, Promotion and Protection

Apostle Chiugo Anthony Nwokolo
We continue the series on faith.  As recorded in the book of Heb. 11:6 'But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
In view of the aforementioned Bible passage it is absolutely impossible for anyone to receive anything from God be it salvation, healing, breakthrough, deliverance without faith in God through Christ Jesus. Because God has put all things in the name and authority of Jesus Christ.

Faith attracts the power of God to have dominion in any life or situation where its exercised, while Fear attracts the power of the devil to have dominion on any life or situation where it is permitted to dominate.
For anyone to access and enjoy the provisions, protections, promotion, peace, power, prosperity and joy of God, you must first become a child of God (be born of the Spirit of God) by believing with faith that God the Father did sent His Son (Jesus Christ) to redeem us from the curse of the law by reason of the sin of Adam & Eve. You ought to believe that Jesus sacrificed his life and died for your sins, so that as many that believe on Jesus Christ with faith, their sins shall not be counted again. As Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him as righteousness - Gen 15:6. When you believe the word of God, you become the son of God and can relate with God as a son - But as many as received him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name - John 1:12
When you believe with your heart that Jesus has died for your sins and confess with your mouth that He is your Lord, you are born of the Spirit of the Lord. Because its written that God is a Spirit and all that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth - John 4: 24. Therefore, in order be a candidate of the love and peace of God you must be born and begotten of God with Faith in Christ Jesus!

friends if you are yet to have a relationship with Christ, it is very dangerous. As the only time we are sure of is now. Anything can happen anything. If Jesus Christ or death comes now where will you spend your eternity, Heaven or Hell? The choice is up to you!  You can live the kingdom life here and here after, if you trust and obey Him. 
If you know you are not saved, please pray the prayer below!

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