Saturday 26 March 2016

See, What Our Lord Jesus Christ Has Done for You and I

Anthony Chiugo Nwokolo's photo.
As we remember, cherish and celebrate the price paid by our Lord Jesus Christ 2016 years ago on the cross of Calvary! Its written, in the book if the law that "The wages of sin is death and the gift of God is everlasting life through our Lord Jesus Christ. Imagine you and i violated the law of the land and the penalty is death according to the law. We are about to be killed physically and spiritually and one man just showed up and said to the law enforcement officers that are about to kill you and I and said, excuse me sirs! I want to die instead of these people. Am ready to sacrifice my life for them. I will law down my life for them!

And you and I was set free and this man was tied up and was killed instead of us. Now, my friend what would you do for that man that died for you and I? Think about that for a minute. For me I will dedicate my life to that man that have died for me. I will proclaim his good works, ideals and immortalize him because the life I live is no longer mine but the life of that man that have died for me. Besides, this man died and was buried, but on the third day He resurrected from the dead and came and declared to you that He is the son of God. That He is the way, the truth and the life. That no one comes or can reach, commune or fellowship or be blessed of God except through Him. And after that he ascended to Heaven from where He shall come again to take His friends (believers) home.
Wouldn't you rather believe and have faith in this man that died for you and I and yet on the third day He resurrected from the dead to prove that He has power over death? Friends, Jesus Christ is this man that died for you and I, and on the third day God raised Him from the death to confirm His word, His will, the way, the truth and the life. Its written, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth, I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you - John 15:13-16. What a friend we have in Jesus Christ, confess, confide and befriend Him today and establish a relationship with Him today and you will be glad you did.
Happy Good Friday! And happy Easter in advance. Whatever the Lord has not planted in your life has died with Christ and your glory and has risen with Christ in Jesus most precious name, I declare!

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