Wednesday 2 March 2016

The Spiritual Controls the Physical - Learn how to have dominion in the Spirit realm

Apostle Chiugo A. Nwokolo

After creating the Heaven and earth and every therein God the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit reached an agreement and said, ''Let us make man in our image and after our likeness and let them have dominion over all other the creatures that walks on the face of the earth, the swims in the seas and over those that flies in the air - Gen. 1: 26. 

What is that image and likeness of God we were created with? It is the Spirit of God. How do i know? It is written, in the book of John 4:24 - God is a Spirit and they that worship Him shall worship and fellowship with him in Spirit and truth. Therefore, we need to be
born of God and be filled with the Spirit of God in order to access the dominion power of God through His Spirit, in order to have dominion and be on top of any any situation or circumstances. A lot of folks that suppose to be dominating and subduing situations are not manifesting that because they are not born of the Spirit , therefore are not dominating any challenge or mountain they encounter in life, because fear and doubt is dominating their lives. You need faith to dominate and command any challenge or mountain you encounter in the journey of life. For with heart man believes unto righteousness and with mount confession is made unto salvation - Rom. 10:9-10. When you dont allow the obvious to becloud your sight or faith rather you see the situation or mountain in your heart and Spirit as grasshopper or as a mole hill. then you are dominating in the Spirit realm and it shall manifest in the physical real and you will have victory.

You are born to reign, lead and have dominion. That is your nature in Christ Jesus. Don't let your heart be troubled, because our God has conquered the world, all power has been given unto him in Heaven and on earth. He is reigning and in control. Be rest assured that He will never leave you nor for sake thee.

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 You are blessed.
Apostle Chiugo A. Nwokolo,
Chief Servant,
(The above ministries are nondenominational outreaches)
for prayer and counseling, you can reach me on +234-909-454-0396

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