Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Success Starts with Following God’s Word

"This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth,but you shall meditate on it day and night,that you may observe to doaccording to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous,and then you will have good success. " (Joshua 1:8)
Life is filled with challenges, assignments, necessities, routine work, and surprises. And it’s easy—and natural—to feel anxious, afraid, and inadequate, like I do and evidently like Joshua did! It appears that Joshua felt these emotions and hesitancies. He was very young compared to Moses (who was 120 when he died and Joshua took leadership). And he was fearful as he thought about going to war against giants and foes with a band of untrained former-slaves. He may have even been tired before he began. Perhaps he wondered like I do, "But how, Lord? How am I going to do all this? How am I going to fulfill your commands? I want to follow you with all my heart...but how, oh how?"
I’m sure you’ve had these same thoughts, questions, and fears. As you stand and gaze at your to-do list from God, at some task He’s given you, at the multitude of responsibilities that seem to fall on your shoulders to carry and bear, at the work involved in what God expects you to handle, at increasing pain as you face physical challenges, you’ve probably asked, "But how, Lord? How can I successfully follow You and fulfill Your will?"
Here’s God’s Word to you in your situation. And it was spoken first to Joshua to give him confidence as he faced a seemingly impossible situation:
This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night so that you may observe to do it.
These instructions contain a simple charge—know God’s Word and do it. If we choose to follow God’s advice here, He assures us of "good success" or "prosperity." In other words, there will be a successful outcome due to the courage, confidence, hope of victory, and wisdom that comes only from focusing fully on God’s Word and promises. As we obediently and unwaveringly believe in and follow God’s promises—refusing to succumb to our fears, doubts, inabilities, and tiredness—His blessing and success are ours!
God gave Joshua directions—and hope—in these words. And the same directions and hope are yours too. It is success made simple: If you know God’s Word and do God’s Word, you will be successful in all our endeavors, in meeting and fulfilling your job assignments from God, in pleasing Him as you move forward in confidence.

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