Wednesday, 26 March 2014



 (Thou shall have Desire, Vision, Dream, Goal, Direction,)
·         Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things – Philippians 4: 8

·         The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are, but in what which direction we are moving – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

In the school of true success and fulfillment burning desire remains the propelling force that drives mankind towards accomplishing, achieving and fulfilling worthwhile goals, dreams and visions.
In view of the foregoing scriptures it’s recorded that whatsoever is true, honest, pure, lovely, praise worthy and of good report, we should think on them. Because whatever you think of; whatever vision or burning desire you hold onto in your mind consistently in faith, would surely attract the human and material resources that would enable you translate it to the physical realm.
In the book of Mark 11: 24; it is written, whatsoever you desire when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have. You will observe that desire precedes praying and believing. Why? Because, until you desire something, you do not really want it, you are just merely wishing for it, you have not really made up your mind, concerning the importance, the value, and the need for that thing. Prayer is the next thing that follows desire.
“Fixing your objective is like identifying the north star, you sight your compass on it and then use it as means of getting back on track when you tend to stray” – Marshall Dimock
Your desire is that objective or vision you sight as your north star and compass that shows you the way to follow to reach your vision and destination and enables you to get back on track whenever you derail. Before we proceed further let us define desire, in order to enhance better a comprehension. A desire is a strong wish to do, have or achieve something in other words; it is a more formal or stronger word for want.
In view of the foregoing definition we understood that desire is a strong wish to do, have or accomplish something worthwhile. The key word there is strong, which manifests as burning, passionate and emotionalized desire. Desire is the force that propels folks to towards excellence, success and fulfillment. However, it would interest you to note that burning desire is a state of the mind that can be developed or conditioned. As a man thinks in his heart, so is he – Proverbs 23: 7b. You can actually develop a burning desire for something by thinking about the object of your desire always or by visualizing, beholding or admiring the object of your desire and also by speaking about the object of your desire, etc. Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life – Proverbs 4: 23. We are enjoined by the foregoing scripture that we should always entertain creative and productive thoughts on whatever we want or who we want to become for it is from there everything in life originates and manifests from.
Clarify Your Desire
Friend, whatever might be your desire, dream or vision, it is achievable and attainable, if you discover and apply the divine rules and the principles. Perhaps your desire might be to succeed and lead a fulfilled life or to accomplish the purpose of God for your life or to acquire, achieve or attain good financial, material, mental, social, marital, academic or spiritual success. As wrong as the success is dedicated towards glorifying and fulfilling God’s purpose according to Philippians 4:8; Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things – Philippians 4: 8
Truly, wishing will not bring anything, but desiring followed by praying, planning and executing of plans, could make dreams come true. Before anyone can achieve or attain anything or position worthwhile in life, that person needs to develop a state of mind that becomes obsessed with the desired success, and then plan and constructively create definite means and strategies to acquire, achieve or attain the objects of his or her desire with persistence, determination and perseverance.
The fundamental factor for great success, joy and fulfillment is clear, specific, measurable goals plus plans, written down and backed by a burning desire to achieve them. Knowing what you really want of course increases your chances and the probabilities that you will be alert for it, as well as recognize the chance and opportunity to achieve it when the chance shows up. Some people and looking for something but they don’t know what they are looking for.
Definiteness of Desire
This is why even when our Lord Jesus Christ had an encounter with Bartimaeus as recorded in Mark 10:46-52. When Brother Bartimaeus shouted, “Jesus, thou son of David have mercy on me, Jesus asked him,” What do you want me to do for you? Of course, it is obvious that the man was blind, besides our Lord Jesus Christ knows everything and have already seen that the man was blind, but still He asked him to confirm what he really want from him. The lesson from that event is that you must know what you really want at any particular time, in other words, you must have a definite desire and a purpose behind every action and desire of yours.  “No one can hit a target, he cannot see. Zig Ziglar, said; great majority of people are wondering generalities, rather than meaningful specifics.
Imagine someone that picked up his travelling bag and boarded a bus he does not know where it is heading to, the person will end up some where he does not know. You need to have desires, and then break them down into goals based on your vision in every area of your life, in order to be fulfilled, successful and happy.
If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere you don’t know – Lewis Carrol
A person without a goal is like a ship without a rudder, carried to whichever way the tides and winds are blowing.  Someone said that “Success is all about goals, and every other thing are commentary, and I concurred with him. 
Desire, Set Goals and Create a Plan
Write down the vision (desire) make it plain upon tables, that he may run that reads it – Habakkuk 2 : 2.
Now, let us get more practical! There are ten strategies, steps or call it methods through which one can transform or convert desires into its physical realties.

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