Friday, 14 March 2014


Apostle Chiugo Anthony Josephat-Nwokolo

What is Decision?
In my own definition, it is the process and act of making choice and judgments. When you make a decision, you choose what should be done or which is the best or preferred of various possible actions.  One decision you made can make you or break you. In fact, decision is so important; that it can determine whether you make it to Heaven or Hell, become rich or poor, Successful or a Failure, Fulfilled or unfulfilled.
The importance of decision-making cannot be over-emphasized, because it is truly the starting point of all achievement, success and fulfillment. Decision making is a process.
A case study on Decision
Let’s ponder and mediate on the scripture stated below as recorded in the book of 2nd  kings 7:3-4
The four leprous men made a decision and that particular decision did not only change their life and economic status from the valley to the mountain top, from obscurity and irrelevance to fame and significant. They changed not only their own economic status from poverty to prosperity they also changed the economy of their nation from famine to abundance. Not only that God, used them fulfill his word which have gone out of the mouth of God’s prophet, confirming that God can use any body irrespective of the person’s position or condition at any particular time to fulfill his purpose.
The four leprous men made a very bold and courageous decision, they said why sit we here until I will die? They considered thus; if, we enter the city there is famine in the city and we shall die there, and if we sit still here we shall die also. Now, therefore let us move forward into the host of the Syrians and if they save us alive, we shall live and if they kill us we shall but die.
It is time to ask yourself that kind of hard question which, those great men in the foregoing scriptures asked themselves such questions. I refer to them as great men because after that determinant decision, they become celebrities in Israel, they asked themselves wise questions and decided. You have got to ask yourself such question as that; why sit you here, doing nothing until you perish? Why continue doing that work, that business, that career or living that life that does not glorify the name of the Lord nor that work or business which you know that it is not God’s purpose or plan for your life or your calling? Why must you continue living that sinful life style, when you know that it does not please God? For you to make the right decision and take a bold step you ought to ask yourself that kind of hard and thought-provoking questions which those four great men asked themselves and then they made the right decision that brought them breakthrough and the breakthrough of their whole nation.
The Decision Making is a Process
The process of making decision involves considering and pondering on various options and choices available, and then choose the preferred out of the options. Those four great men we are considering their decision and action had various options at that moment, but they were able to make the right and the wisest decision, which affected lives and that of others positively.
They had the options whether to return into their city or to sit there at the gate and die there or to enter into the camp of the Syrians (their enemies which were at war with their country at that time. After considering those options available for them to choose from, they arrived at a decision and resolved and said “Now, therefore let us enter unto the host of the Syrians, if they save us alive, we shall live and if they kill us, we shall but die. They resolved to go forward instead of backward. Therefore we ought to move forward and not to retrogress in life. We‘ve got to reach a point in life where we decide and declare like those four men; this is where I want go or what I want to do, and if i perish, i perish. Until you are operating from that state of mind, you are has not decided. No wonder, Martin Luther King Jnr., stated, that whoever have not found what he can die for is not fit to live.
The Decision; The Determining Factor
Friends, you need to make bold and courageous decisions, irrespective of the fears, doubt and unforeseen circumstances and go forward instead of standing still. You have got to go forward and do that thing you always wanted to do, achieve or become as long as it is good and glorifies the name of the Lord. It is high time you decide on that your Career, Business or Project which you want to pursue or execute at this particular time. Make the decision today to take the bold step towards achieving something great and worthwhile and then the Almighty God will then come to your aid.
No wonder the bible says in the book of Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Before all things (Physically, Spiritually, Materially Socially, Mentally, Financially, Economically, etc., can work together for our good according to God’s word, you must take make a bold decision and take a step of faith first, and then the Host of Heaven would then take over the rest and cause every other thing to work for your good. For instance, in the book of 2nd Kings 7: 1-8, those four great men that made the decision to go forward into the camp of the Syrians, and as they were marching forward, the Lord took over and caused the Syrians to hear their foot-steps as the noise of great chariot and horses, as the noise of great host, and the Syrians said one to another that King of Israel has hired against them the kings of the Hitties and the kings of Egyptians to come upon them and fight with them, therefore they arose and fled and left their tents, horses, and even their camp as it was, and fled for their lives and when the four lepers came into the Syrians camp they found no one in their tents, and they did eat and drink and carried away silver, gold, cloth, and later they went and informed and called their king and their people and they came and plundered the Syrians. So a measure of fine flour was sold for a Shekel (a cent) and two measures of barley was sold for a Shekel, according to the word of the Lord spoken through prophet Elisha. But the captain of the kings army that doubted the prophesy of the man of God saw it, but did not taste of it, because he was trampled upon by the stampede of the people rushing to grab their share of the spoil.
When you make a decision and take the bold steps towards the object of your desire. God will step in, because as fear attracts the devil, so faith attracts God and the Host of Heaven to make all things work together for your good - Anthony C. Josephat,
It takes faith for you to make a decision and faith is the raw material which when applied produces whatever you want or desired. It’s high time you make up your mind on what you want to do with your life, talent, treasure and the time God has given you to spend in this world to prepare you and qualify you for the next level (eternal life hereafter in God’s kingdom of God.
Decision, A Product of Faith
Truly, for you to arrive at a decision at any point, you need to apply faith, as well as, ask the Holy Spirit of God to guide you to take the right decision. Therefore, i consider a decision already made as an applied and deployed faith.

In fact, decision making is one of the hardest and yet most paramount principle of success and fulfillment in life. That is why a lot folks on this journey of life are often trapped at the juncture of indecision, they subject their life, dreams and purpose to indecision. Indecision is the state of a mind that has not been made up, and many are living in that dangerous state today. A lot people spent all their life at that fearful and doubtful state of mind, at the crossroad, they have been there many years stagnant. Almost everyone has been a victim of this demon called indecision at one time or the other. Some people have been there for a year or two or for many years or months.
However, if you can break off from that strong hold of indecision today, it is still early. And the earlier, the better for you. A wise man admonished that, whenever you are at any crossroad (Point of decision) in life, that it is better for you to decide and choose a particular way and follow it based on the facts you have got, but if you still can’t figure out the right way you should follow, it is better for you to close your eyes and follow a way than to standstill at that crossroad stagnant. 
Indecision a Product of Fear

Friends, don’t be one of those people out there that are spell bound at the juncture of indecision due to fear. Some people are at the crossroad of life, they don’t know whether to go front or back or to move eastward or westward and they are just there figuring what to do, and how to do it perfect without making any mistake. The fear of criticism and the fear failure has held them bound; they do not want to be criticized nor be held responsible for making any wrong choice nor mistake and they do not want to fail in anything. They want everything to be perfect before they can launch out or try it. They want all the lights to be green before they can pull out on the road.

It’s Better to Try and Fail, than not Trying At All

Brethren, I have come to understand over the years from learning, from my mentors and from experiences that it is better to try and fail than not to try at all, because even if you fail, you should pick something worthwhile and valuable from where you have fallen and then move forward. At least you will learn why you failed and then make corrections on the issue that caused your temporal defeat, and then avoid it in the future and you shall surely succeed in your next endeavor. A wise man says that it is not failing that matters but staying where you can fallen. That is why God’s word tells us that; A just man falls seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall into mischief - Prov. 24: 16. Whenever you fail in any venture, you should not let that weigh you down, rather pick something valuable from there and run with it; you can even start consulting or coaching others why your projects or business failed and how they can avoid the mistakes you made in order to succeed in their own project or business. You have not failed, but you have learnt one method that did not work. And then you shall and use that experience as a yardstick to develop another method or strategy that works.

Bill Gates one of the two richest people on this planet, concurred that they launched out the first Microsoft Windows Operating System with some flaws, which they correct in the subsequent version of the windows. The problem with some people is that they want to be perfectionist; they don’t want to make mistakes or have any flaw in their products or services and in the course of trying to make everything perfect the project or service never see the light of the day. It is wiser to decide and launch out and thereafter keep improving and perfecting the product or service, than not to launch out all.  That is why car manufacturers for instance always come out with a latest model as a result of improving the previous model.

It is not falling that matters but lying down where you have fallen and throwing a pity there, that makes one a failure – Anthony Chiugo Josephat.

May I conclude this section by advising you that whenever you find yourself over-staying at any crossroad on this journey of life, you should think and consider the options available and the values attached to each road and choose and resolve to follow the road that will add more value to your life and that of others, even if it is longer, rough, hilly or narrow, as long as it does not contradict God’s word and will.  And no matter how big the project seems or how far the journey seems, just decide and follow that road and Heaven would move and intervene in your favour.
Though your begin was small your later end shall be great  - Job 8:7

Anthony Chinweugo Jospehat-Nwokolo, is an annointed Minister of God, a Bible Scholar, Teacher, and an Inspirational Speaker, Visionary Leader, Author and Trainer, he holds various certificates from the secular and Bible institutions. He is a minister of God at Glory Sanctuary Parish of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) Lagos Province 17, Akute, Lagos.
 He is the founder of The Soon Coming King of Glory Mission; an evangelical and missionary out-reach committed to evangelism; to reconcile, restore the lost glory of man, and to teach Christ's Principles for All-Round Success; thereby raise end-time apostles and kingdom partners for the Lord, as well as to proclaim Christ’s second coming. He is happily married to Evang. Eucharia and they are blessed of the good Lord with three glorious boys and two beautiful girls. He is a highly sought-after gifted, anointed and dynamic minister, teacher and motivator; he speaks at churches, conferences and to Business executives. 
You can reach Apostle Chiugo Anthony JOSEPHAT-NWOKOLO 
on Tel: +234-(0806-829-6897, 0802-230-3482
(An Evangelical, Liberation and Prophetic Out-Reach)
Join us at BELIEVER’S BREAKTHROUGH CONFERENCE; every last Thursday of the month at FreshDew Hall, 71, Mobolaji Bank-Anthony Way, bye Olowu Junction, Ikeja, Lagos. Tel: 0806-829-6897, 0802-230-3482

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